Friday, November 16, 2007

The Hillary Clinton Campaign Staff Loved Wolf... and said so!

I didn't go to sleep, but I should have. Once again we have a presidential debate where nothing is said, issues that concern Americans are ignored, and a moderator who was clearing hedging his bets and sucking up to the perceived winner. Wolf Blitzer probably already has his exclusive interviews with Hillary Clinton lined up through 2012.

There were candidates participating in the debate that I the viewer would liked to have listened to if Wolf Blitzer had given them the opportunity to speak. Joe Biden, for instance, showed more command presence than any of the front runners, but Blitzer deliberately kept cutting in when Biden was speaking as he did with Chris Dodd and "wild man" Dennis Kucinich.

"Oh, no, don't make me speak," Biden said in mock horror when moderator Wolf Blitzer of CNN called on him roughly 15 minutes into the proceedings.

Possibly the most controversial question that Wolf could have asked, he totally passed over. The subject of Hillary Clinton's flip-flop on the illegal immigrant driver's license issue that was very current news this week. He asked Hillary if she favored giving illegal immigrants driver's licenses and she gave a simple "No" answer which was a 180 degree turn about from what she was saying two weeks ago.

No wonder the Clinton Campaign who wanted Tim Russert shot because of his treatment of Hillary during the last debate said of Wolf Blitzer:
CNN debate moderator Wolf Blitzer did an 'outstanding' job in Vegas, a senior adviser to the Hillary campaign said early Friday. 'He was outstanding, and did not gang up like Russert did in Philadelphia. He avoided the personal attacks, remained professional and ran the best debate so far. Voters were the big winners last night.'

A rival campaign insider charges: 'Wolf turned into a lamb. No follow-up question on Clinton's huge flip on drivers licenses?'
Possible debate issues that never made it past CNN censors:

State TV advises Chinese to dump their dollars

ID cards for illegal migrants divides city

Philadelphia Martin Luther King statue to be "made in China"

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Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson
Our first populist

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Mike is retired from the U.S. Army and is the publications editor for the popular web journal, The Partial Observer - He is also the author of a murder novel entitled, "The Publisher." In politics Mike is a former Republican county chair and state committeeman. Now he is Independent.