Sunday, November 11, 2007

So Far...

Among the list of possible Independent Candidates, one name stands out so far. That is Jim Gilchrist, the founder of the Minuteman Project. He has a fairly substantial base organization and has a lot of money pouring in, especially from the border states. I'm still betting that Lou Dobbs jumps in sometime around February 2008 when America is faced with dismal choices from the Democrats and Republicans. A Dobbs/Gilchrist ticket would be powerful if their egos didn't cancel each other out.

Check out other Independent hopefuls.

Early Lou Dobbs for President website. Until its endorsed by Dobbs, I wouldn't use the Paypal feature.

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Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson
Our first populist

About Me

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Mike is retired from the U.S. Army and is the publications editor for the popular web journal, The Partial Observer - He is also the author of a murder novel entitled, "The Publisher." In politics Mike is a former Republican county chair and state committeeman. Now he is Independent.