Friday, December 14, 2007

Lou Dobbs to appear on Don Imus show

This should prove to be very interesting. Two raucus freethinkers together in the same cramped studio. Lou Dobbs is scheduled to appear on Imus in the Morning which is broadcast on ABC radio and RFD TV. I'm reasonably sure the appearance date is Thursday, December 20. I do not know which segment of the 6-9 am time slot Lou will appear. There are several rural cable outlets that pick up RFD and it is shown on Dish channel 231 and Direct TV channel 370. Tune into the Imus show on RFD on Monday morning or Monday evening to find out when Lou makes his appearance next week.

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Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson
Our first populist

About Me

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Mike is retired from the U.S. Army and is the publications editor for the popular web journal, The Partial Observer - He is also the author of a murder novel entitled, "The Publisher." In politics Mike is a former Republican county chair and state committeeman. Now he is Independent.