Thursday, April 10, 2008

Obama is the next president of the United States!

The Gods have decided, Barack Obama has been anointed the next President of The United States. Hillary Clinton and John McCain are being portrayed as representatives of failed American policy and worn out ideas.

Everywhere in the media there is the resounding sound of Obama! Obama! Obama! It is hard to escape. Hillary has invented a new form of suicide - death by talking! The more she talks - the worse it gets. This is the nagging conscience of America that you just want to shut up.

McCain's drone is ponderous if not totally irritating. How much more of this can we stand between now and November?

I'm sure there will be attempts to "swift boat" Obama, but I'm also guessing he is prepared for that.

Let's get it over!

Obama has scared away all the true independents.

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Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson
Our first populist

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Mike is retired from the U.S. Army and is the publications editor for the popular web journal, The Partial Observer - He is also the author of a murder novel entitled, "The Publisher." In politics Mike is a former Republican county chair and state committeeman. Now he is Independent.