Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Libertarian Ron Paul catches Fox New's Steve Doocy off guard

Complimenting Ron Paul on his phenomenal one day fundraising, Fox News host Steve Doocy asked Paul about Mike Huckabee's heavily slanted ad aimed at Christian voters complete with a floating cross. When you view the video clip linked below you will notice Doocy was not prepared for Paul's answer where he quoted American writer Sinclair Lewis who once said, "When facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." View Clip After viewing the clip, don't you think, Doocy, in his tone, was just more than a little condescending towards Paul or am I reading too much into it?

ALERT: For you online serial fiction fans, I have just added a new chapter to my novel about a modern American secession movement. The Southern Split.

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Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson
Our first populist

About Me

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Mike is retired from the U.S. Army and is the publications editor for the popular web journal, The Partial Observer - www.partialobserver.com. He is also the author of a murder novel entitled, "The Publisher." In politics Mike is a former Republican county chair and state committeeman. Now he is Independent.